Accounting, Tax and Consulting Services for Privately-Held Businesses
Ready, Reliable Advice for Optimizing Your Business Contact UsDECADES
of excellence
For over 70 years LLG has been serving the needs of our privately held corporate clients and the individuals that own and manage those enterprises. We understand how important our clients’ businesses are to them and we appreciate the opportunity to show them how important their businesses are to us.
highest standards
advocates for your bottom line
In the world of CPA firms, hierarchy reigns and offices without walls and doors are rare. Lipschultz, Levin & Gray, LLC, in business since 1944, tore its office walls down more than twenty years ago. Open communication and the sharing of ideas lets us think beyond conventional boundaries to offer unique solutions for our clients.
Challenges get resolved quickly, efficiently and collaboratively. With focused attention, LLG provides accounting, tax and consulting services to mid-sized and large privately held entities operating around the globe. Pro-active advice is a value-added benefit coveted by our business clients. Our know-how is based on years of experience working with people who run those entities.

featured in
“hardly your typical
accounting firm”
“Gold Medal Award for achievement in
client service”
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